Our Factory

Our vision is to create beautiful cashmere knitwear without compromising on social responsibility. Our yarns are natural, pure and sustainable and all our garments are designed and lovingly made with the highest level of skill and care by local artisans who work in clean, safe surroundings. All our garments come from our own factory, so we can monitor every aspect of production from start to finish.
Our factory is comprised of many small teams that work together to ensure that the pieces are high quality and durable. Behind the scenes of our factory, you'll find our founder, Anja Thorbecke Jones, along with Mr. Zheng and Stella who assist and ensure product quality from start to finish.

We only source our yarns from suppliers we know well and that share our commitment to quality. Cashmere is lightweight, yet extremely warm, has a wonderful feel against the skin and is extremely versatile. It is truly one of natures’ ultimate luxuries. We love color at Feine Cashmere and all our collections reflect this. We are passionate about our business and what we produce, we hope this is reflected in the quality of each finished garment and that you will experience this passion every time you wear one of our pieces.

Once the design of a piece is chosen, a style sheet is made including all the specifications for the garment. The style sheet includes important information such as finishings or buttons, the ply or thickness of the yarn threads, and an easy sketch of the final product. At the bottom of the style sheet a chart that contains all possible measurements of the piece for each size is also included. The technician's task is to calculate in how many pieces need to be knitted before joining the pieces together, the ply count and finally all the specifications needed for the knitting team.

Next these technical style sheets go into the yarn deposit room. According to how many pieces, colors and yarn ply count the appropriate amount of yarn is calculated for each style. The yarn is then measured and rolled onto tubes by a machine that simultaneously applies a natural wax that protects the yarn from breakage during the knitting process.
The yarn tubes and knitting specifications sheets are then passed to the knitting workers to start the knitting process. We either use machines or hand-knit each piece for a garment. Our knitting team is extremely skilled and must count every stitch to ensure that each piece is created with the perfect dimensions for its sizing.

During this process, swatches of seemingly random knitted pieces come together to create sweaters, mittens, hats and more. Each separate piece is joined together stitch by stitch to create the beautiful seams on each finished product. Our Joiners have perfected their use of each machine and work quickly to send the joined garments to the next stage of the production process.
Once the garments are stitched and joined together they are sent for a final washing and left to air dry. After drying, labels are hand sewn in and buttons positions are measured, cut and sewn. Final details like tassels or fur lining are also added here. Finally, each product is sent to be ironed before quality control and packing.

After ironing each garment is reviewed meticulously with a pair of tweezers with bright light to check for defects and imperfections. As a final quality control step our factory managers review each piece one last time. Once approved its then folded and packed ready for delivery.
Everyone at Feine Cashmere is proud of each and every piece that comes from our factory. Our production team works very hard to ensure that every aspect of each garment attains the standard that is expected. We hope you love them as much as we do.